Study Guide

Field 041: Marketing Education 
Test Design and Framework

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The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Test overview, including duration of test, number of questions, and passing score.
Format Computer-based test ( C B T )
Number of Questions 100 selected-response questions
Time* 4 hours
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute  C B T  tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

Test weighting by number of questions per subarea.
Subareas Range of Competencies Approximate Percentage 
of Test
 roman numeral 1  Marketing Principles 0001–0005  21 percent 
 roman numeral 2  Sales, Promotions, and Merchandise Control 0006–0011  25 percent 
 roman numeral 3  Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship 0012–0018  29 percent 
 roman numeral 4  Employment, Communication, and Problem-Solving Skills 0019–0024  25 percent 
this cell intentionally left blank.  100 percent 

 Subarea roman numeral 1–Marketing Principles 

Competency 0001–Understand fundamental concepts, functions, and goals of marketing.


Competency 0002–Understand market research functions, characteristics, and procedures.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0003–Understand marketing strategies in business.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0004–Understand principles of product planning, service planning, and price planning.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0005–Understand channels of distribution in marketing.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

 Subarea roman numeral 2–Sales, Promotions, and Merchandise Control 

Competency 0006–Understand consumer buying decisions and principles related to sales.


Competency 0007–Understand customer relations and service.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0008–Understand product and service promotions.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0009–Understand promotional media and principles of design as applied to promotional activities.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0010–Understand principles and procedures related to merchandising (including shipping and receiving, inventory control, and purchasing).

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0011–Understand security and safety precautions in the marketing environment.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

 Subarea roman numeral 3–Economics, Business, and Entrepreneurship 

Competency 0012–Understand basic principles and applications of macroeconomics.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0013–Understand basic principles and applications of microeconomics.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0014–Understand the structure, organization, and management of businesses.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0015–Understand principles and procedures related to entrepreneurship.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0016–Understand basic principles of finance and credit.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0017–Understand principles of human resource management.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0018–Understand laws affecting marketing activities.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

 Subarea roman numeral 4–Employment, Communication, and Problem-Solving Skills 

Competency 0019–Understand processes and skills for seeking and maintaining employment.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0020–Understand human relations and leadership skills in the marketing environment.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0021–Understand business communication skills.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0022–Apply mathematical principles and skills to solve problems in marketing contexts.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0023–Understand principles and applications of computer technology, information processing systems, and telecommunications in business and marketing contexts.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0024–Understand the role of student organizations and school partnerships with business and industry in marketing education.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics