Study Guide

Field 132: Psychology/Sociology 
Test Design and Framework

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The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.

Test Design

Test overview, including duration of test, number of questions, and passing score.
Format Computer-based test ( C B T )
Number of Questions 80 selected-response questions and 1 constructed-response assignment
Time* 4 hours
Passing Score 240

*Does not include 15-minute  C B T  tutorial

Test Framework

Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.

test weighting by number of questions per subarea part 1 of 2.
subareas range of competencies approximate percentage of test
roman numeral 1 core perspectives, methods, and concepts of psychology 0001–0004 18 percent
roman numeral 2 development, learning, and cognition 0005–0008 18 percent
roman numeral motivation, emotion, personality, mental health, and social behavior 0009–0012 18 percent
roman numeral 4 core methods and concepts of sociology 0013–0016 18 percent
roman numeral 5 social institutions, stratification, and problems 0017–0019 13 percent
this cell intentionally left blank 85 percent
test weighting by number of questions per subarea part 2 of 2.
subareas range of competencies approximate percentage of test
roman numeral 6 pedagogical content knowledge 0020 15 percent

subarea roman numeral 1–Core Perspectives, Methods, and Concepts of Psychology

Competency 0001–Apply knowledge of major ideas in psychology.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0002–Apply knowledge of the tools and methods of inquiry in psychology.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0003–Apply the principles of the biological bases of behavior.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0004–Apply knowledge of characteristics of sensation and perception.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 2–Development, Learning, and Cognition

Competency 0005–Apply knowledge of lifespan development from conception to end of life.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0006–Apply principles and processes associated with learning.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0007–Apply principles and processes associated with memory, thinking, and language.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0008–Apply principles and issues associated with intelligence.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 3–Motivation, Emotion, Personality, Mental Health, and Social Behavior

Competency 0009–Apply concepts and processes related to motivation and emotion.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0010–Apply knowledge of concepts of personality and methods for assessing personality.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0011–Apply principles and processes associated with mental health and psychological disorders and treatments.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0012–Apply concepts and processes related to social psychology.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 4–Core Methods and Concepts of Sociology

Competency 0013–Apply knowledge of the perspective, historical development, and methods of inquiry of sociology.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0014–Apply knowledge of the concepts of culture and society and their significance.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0015–Analyze the relationship between the individual and society.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0016–Analyze concepts related to social structure and the organization of groups.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 5–Social Institutions, Stratification, and Problems

Competency 0017–Analyze characteristics of social institutions and their roles in different societies.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0018–Analyze social inequality and its significance for other social problems.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

Competency 0019–Analyze processes of social change.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics 

subarea roman numeral 6–Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Competency 0020–Apply pedagogical content knowledge to design developmentally appropriate instruction to help students achieve a specific, standards-based learning goal in psychology that promotes learning for all students.

 start italics The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency. end italics