Study Guide
Field 084: Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Test Design and Framework
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The test design below describes general assessment information. The framework that follows is a detailed outline that explains the knowledge and skills that this test measures.
Test Design
*Does not include 15-minute C B T tutorial
Test Framework
Pie chart of approximate test weighting outlined in the table below.
Subarea roman numeral 1–Students with Communication Disorders
Competency 0001–Understand typical speech production (articulation, phonology, voice, and fluency), language (semantics, syntax, morphology, pragmatics) and feeding/swallowing development, and the effects of various disabilities on speech and language development.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of typical processes and sequences of speech and language development, including cognitive development.
- Apply knowledge of theories of speech and language development.
- Apply knowledge of the effects of various disabilities or conditions (e.g., learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy) on speech and language development.
- Apply knowledge of cultural and social aspects of language and linguistic differences in communication (e.g., dialects, nonverbal elements, turn-taking features).
- Apply knowledge of typical processes of feeding/swallowing.
Competency 0002–Understand communication disorders involving speech (articulation, phonology, voice, and fluency) and feeding/swallowing.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of factors contributing to speech impairments (e.g., hearing loss, physical disabilities, motor speech).
- Apply knowledge of characteristics and etiologies of speech impairments due to structural anomalies or impairments of voice (respiration, phonation, and resonance).
- Apply knowledge of characteristics of impairments in fluency, articulation, and phonology.
- Apply knowledge of characteristics of motor speech impairments (e.g., dysarthria, apraxia of speech) and their effects on speech.
- Apply knowledge of characteristics of feeding/swallowing impairments.
Competency 0003–Understand communication disorders involving receptive and expressive language (i.e., listening, reading, speaking, writing, and manual modalities) and social communication.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of factors contributing to language impairments (e.g., genetic conditions, prenatal factors, acquired conditions).
- Apply knowledge of types and characteristics of communication disorders involving receptive and expressive language (e.g., developmental language disorder, developmental delays, mixed receptive and expressive language disorder, acquired language disorders).
- Apply knowledge of typical needs of students with language disorders, including accommodations and educational planning.
- Apply knowledge of characteristics of social communication disorder and autism spectrum disorder and their effects on language, pragmatic skills, and social aspects of communication.
Competency 0004–Understand communication disorders involving hearing loss.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of factors contributing to hearing loss (e.g., congenital and acquired).
- Apply knowledge of typical needs of students with hearing loss, including basic knowledge of technologies used with students with hearing loss (e.g., hearing aids, cochlear implants, FM systems), accommodations, and educational planning.
- Apply knowledge of types and characteristics of communication disorders involving hearing loss (e.g., effects of conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss).
Subarea roman numeral 2–Intervention and Instruction
Competency 0005–Understand ways to improve students' speech production (articulation, phonology, voice, and fluency) and feeding/swallowing.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of information contained in speech-language evaluation reports and Individualized Education Programs ( I E Pees ) of students with speech disorders to draft an intervention plan.
- Apply knowledge of evidence-based practices to provide students with learning experiences to meet specified goals related to speech disorders.
- Apply knowledge of the selection and adaptation of instructional methods, resources, and technologies for promoting students' speech production.
Competency 0006–Understand ways to improve students' receptive and expressive language.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of prevention and intervention techniques for students at risk of developing language disorders.
- Apply knowledge of information contained in speech-language evaluation reports and I E Pees of students with communication disorders related to receptive and expressive language to draft an intervention plan.
- Apply knowledge of evidence-based practices to provide students with learning experiences to address needs and meet specified goals relating to receptive and expressive language disorders, including cognitive communication.
- Apply knowledge of the selection and adaptation of instructional methods, resources, and technologies for promoting students' receptive and expressive language, including cognitive communication.
- Apply knowledge of uses of various communication modalities (e.g., oral, manual, augmentative and alternative communication [AAC]).
Competency 0007–Understand ways to improve students' pragmatic skills and social communication.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of information contained in speech-language evaluation reports and I E Pees of students with communication disorders related to pragmatic skills and social communication to draft an intervention plan.
- Apply knowledge of evidence-based practices to provide students with learning experiences to address needs and meet specified goals relating to pragmatic skills and social communication.
- Apply knowledge of the selection and adaptation of instructional methods, resources, and technologies for promoting students' pragmatic skills and social communication.
Competency 0008–Understand ways to improve the communication skills of students with hearing loss.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of information contained in speech-language evaluation reports and I E Pees of students with communication disorders related to hearing loss to draft an intervention plan.
- Apply knowledge of evidence-based practices to provide students with learning experiences to address needs and meet specified goals relating to aural habilitation/rehabilitation.
- Apply knowledge of the use of various modalities of communication for students with hearing loss.
- Apply knowledge of the selection and adaptation of instructional methods, resources, and technologies to improve the communication skills of students with hearing loss.
Subarea roman numeral 3–Legal, Ethical, and Professional Responsibilities
Competency 0009–Understand collaborative practice and the professional responsibilities of a speech-language pathology assistant in the school setting.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of state and national regulations and requirements for professional practice for speech-language pathology assistants.
- Apply knowledge of the roles, responsibilities, and scope of practice for speech-language pathology assistants.
- Apply knowledge of strategies for collaboration with school staff and supervisor.
- Apply knowledge of the role of self-reflection and professional development for career growth and professional learning.
Competency 0010–Understand legal and ethical issues in speech language pathology within the school setting.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of special education related laws, regulations, and guidelines regarding students with communication disorders (e.g., Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act [ A D A ], the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act [IDEA]).
- Apply knowledge of ethical practice guidelines published by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the Oklahoma Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology (OBESPA).
- Apply knowledge of privacy laws and regulations related to protecting or releasing personally identifying information (e.g., Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act [FERPA], Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 [HIPAA]).
Subarea roman numeral 4–Analysis and Application
Competency 0011–Understand the needs of students with communication disorders and apply knowledge of evidence-based practices to design an activity that effectively addresses individual students' needs.
The following topics are examples of content that may be covered under this competency.
- Apply knowledge of Individualized Education Programs ( I E Pees ) and identify an appropriate goal or objective to address in an intervention session.
- Demonstrate the ability to select and describe an appropriate and effective evidence-based approach or activity for addressing a student's identified goal or objective.
- Demonstrate the ability to discuss the appropriateness and effectiveness of the selected intervention approach or activity.
- Demonstrate the ability to collect data on the student's performance on the goal or objective.