Field 118: World History/Geography

Framework Development Correlation Table

Competency Oklahoma Full (Subject Matter) Competencies for Licensure and Certification (2009) [Social Studies] National Council for the Social Studies National Standards for the Preparation of Social Studies Teachers (2018)
0001 B2-B4, B6-B7 1a-1c
0002 B2-B4, B6-B7 1a
0003 B1-B4, B6-B7 1a
0004 B1-B4, B6-B7 1a
0005 B1-B4, B6-B7 1a
0006 B1-B7 1a
0007 B1-B4, B6-B7 1a
0008 B1-B7 1a
0009 B1-B4, B6-B7 1a
0010 B1-B4, B6-B7 1a
0011 B2-B3, B5-B7 1a, 1b
0012 B2-B3, B5-B7 1a, 1b
0013 B5-B7 1a
0014 B1-B7 1a
0015 B2-B3, B5-B7 1a
0016 B1-B3, B5-B6 1a, 1b
0017 B7 1a-1b, 2a-2d, 3a-3c, 4a-4b


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